Highs and lows are a part of life but there are times when we need somebody to share things and talk to, when we see no other way to escape an uncomfortable situation. I want to thank God that I found Satarupa and got a chance to do Counselling and Therapy sessions with her. In talking to her, I realised the importance of self-love and individuality. Satarupa made me feel comfortable and safe so I was able to discuss things that I was hesitant to share with others. She helped me look at certain things from a completely different perspective, and helped me return to a positive outlook on life. I am really grateful to her for helping me to come out of that phase and for being so supportive, loving and caring while the sessions were on. And even after the sessions it feels as though we're just a message away should I require help!

Amiya (Student, Age: 26 yrs )

Counselling and Therapy

Satarupa, the first time in my life someone has listened to me with compassion and understanding. I had such a phobia about Counsellors and Psychotherapists from my previous experiences. I realized in doing sessions with you that there is nothing to fear. The space that is created by you, Satarupa in which the vulnerabilities are shared is just so pure and restful. Each session is so tailored exactly to the healing modes that one can resonate with. Hence, within just a couple of sessions you find yourself flowing and comprehending the progress you have made. These sessions have been a blessing for me through some uneasy times and helped me back on my feet.

Sameer (Legal Practitioner, Age: 35 yrs)

Counselling and Therapy

Satarupa, you are a natural at Counselling and Therapy. Satarupa can deal with the most complex of issues in an effortless manner … you are a natural-born Healing Practitioner and an Oracle Card reader.

Dr Gautam

Counselling, and Sound, Art, Oracle Therapy

Often one finds oneself in a situation that causes a great deal of anxiety, As Satarupa read out the cards they gave me clarity. In hindsight I feel it gave me the strength to hope. Satarupa has a sagacious way of interpreting the cards, which comes with her own experience and intuition. It’s uncannily accurate.

Anjana (Media Professional, Age: 52 yrs)

Oracle Therapy

I found Satarupa during one of the most confusing and hassled times in my life. These sessions provided me with clarity, reassurance and healing guidance in such a tender manner. As the cards spoke they gave me hope and strength. Satarupa has a marvellous way of interpreting the messages given to us by the cards and she calls it 'getting in touch with our Higher Selves'. She supplemented the readings with some Aromatherapy, Sound Healing, Crystal Therapy and Bach Flower Remedies that helped me regain a sense of balance.

Dr Neeraj (Anaesthetist, Age: 32 yrs)

Oracle Therapy

Its completely surprising how just with the colours and the freedom to express, one can heal themselves. My Fluid Art sessions with Satarupa helped me find my voice (that creativity can be expressed without prescribed norms), it helped me to regain confidence in myself and helped me to form a new friendship-- one with colours, papers, canvases, brushes, etc. Due this experience I feel quite bold and expressive.

Samriddhi (Home maker, Age: 34 yrs)

Art Therapy

Art Therapy Sessions with Satarupa have brought me such a feeling of liberation and joyful creation that the stresses and strains of daily life have seemed to evaporate. Now I eagerly look forward to the next group sessions and my own experimentations at home to be discussed and shared at the online group meetups!

Christopher (Editor, Age: 25 yrs)

Art Therapy

Oh my God! So calming, soothing and enchanting. Interesting and intriguing too...such a wide array of undiluted bird song early in the morning!

Varun (Post Graduate Student, Age: 22 yrs)

Sound Therapy (Dawn Chorus)

Music to my ears!! You have a pleasant soothing voice too! whenever you do such recordings do share with me

Sangeetika (Media Specialist, Age: 56 yrs)

Sound Therapy (Dawn Chorus)

Lovely! Divine!

Sabina (Health Practioner, Age: 29 yrs)

Sound Therapy (Dawn Chorus)

So, so refreshing as calming and soothing. Was playing your video for Mom and Dad.

Meenakshi (IT Professional, Age: 28 yrs)

Sound Therapy (Dawn Chorus)

Satarupa's curated playlists of early morning bird songs, nature sounds, music for healing, chants and affirmations set to music have really helped to keep my therapy practices going between sessions and beyond them! It has helped me rediscover my vocal practice from years ago.

Ritika (Lecturer, Age: 30 yrs)

Counselling and Sound Therapy